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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Planned Boat Safety Scheme changes 'ill thought out' says examiners' professional body

The Nationwide Alliance of Boat Surveyors and Examiners which represents Boat Safety Scheme examiners and surveyors who examine boats on waters in the scheme is not happy with changes that are being proposed.

NABSE Chairman, Graham Freeman said, " While some of the proposed changes are purely editorial, some are ill-thought out and some are un-implementable for legal reasons.  

"Notwithstanding the technicalities involved, adoption of these changes will increase the duration of the BSS Examination and, if approved, are likely to result in increased costs to the boater."

NABSE are calling on examiners and boaters to look at the proposals and send comments  on the changes to them before the end of the consultation period on August 28, 2012.

Dowload the proposal document at: http://www.nabse.co.uk/Pages/ECPReview.aspx

And submit comments to: http://www.nabse.co.uk/Pages/contactus.aspx