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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wiltshire Radical History Day

White Horse (Wiltshire) Trades Union Council will be running its second Radical History Day on Saturday at The Cause in Chippenham. 
 Entry is free and the event runs from 10am to 4pm.  

The speakers during the day will be:
Jeremy Corbyn MP
From Wiltshire to Westminster

Professor Steve Poole from the
University of the West of England
The gallows, the gibbet and the rural poor

Melissa Barnett
Curator of Chippenham Museum on
Dame Florence Hancock

Nigel Costley
South West TUC Regional Secretary on
West Country Rebels

Rosie MacGregor
The life of Angela Gradwell Tuckett

Saturday 29th March 2014 10am-4pm

The Cause, 42 The Causeway, Chippenham SN15 3DD
● Free entry ● Bar and buffet lunch ●

For more information and to register in advance email: 